418 research outputs found

    Distributed Monitoring and Controlling Using Microcontroller and Virtual Internet Protocol

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    Nowadays, the applications based on TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/internet protocol) network are growing rapidly. By this application monitoring and control functions are easily and widely accessible through networks. Every PC (Personal Computer) can be connected to several microcontroller, but there are difficulties to access microcontroller directly through TCP/IP networks. This research study the use of virtual IP on a PC that connected with several microcontrollers, where each microcontroller is connected to a sensor device to monitoring temperature and a relay for controlling. In this method, each set of the microcontroller can be accessed directly using the IP. The results show that this system can be a distributed monitoring and controlling system which has the ability to record and display the results in the form of graphs.

    Analisis Spasial Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Serta Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya (Studi Kasus Kota Makassar 2011-2019): Spatial Analysis of Land Use Changes and The Affecting Factors (Case Study of Makassar City 2011-2019)

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    Makassar City as the core city in the Mamminasata National Strategic Area (KSN) has continued to experience population growth since its establishment in 2011. This increase has triggered an increase in demand for land for settlements and other built-up land. Due to the limited availability of land in the city center, there is a phenomenon of land use change in suburban areas. The purpose of this study is to analyze land use changes in Makassar city in the period 2011-2019 and analyze the factors driving changes in land use. The method used is visual interpretation of satellite imagery to obtain land use classes, overlay method to determine land use change and logistic regression method to determine the driving factors of land use change. The results of this study indicate that only three types of land use have increased in area, namely settlements as well as the largest with 29% built-up land by 16% and open land by 5%. While the land uses that experienced a decrease in area from the largest to the smallest respectively were rice fields 18%, ponds 13%, mixed gardens 11%, water bodies 4%, bushes 3%, fields 1%, forests 0.4% and garden 0.1%

    Desain dan Implementasi Bibliografi Digital Berbasis Social Cataloging

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    Dalam dunia akademik, seluruh hasil riset akan ditulis ke dalam berbagai bentuk publikasi seperti buku, tulisan ilmiah (paper) di jurnal atau prosiding, artikel, majalah, laporan hasil penelitian, dan lain sebagainya. Seluruh pembaca dapat dengan mudah mengakses katalog publikasi tersebut di perpustakaan. Dengan keberadaan teknologi social cataloging saat ini, memungkinkan para anggota perpustakaan untuk dapat saling berkolaborasi satu sama lain dalam hal koleksi publikasi yang dimiliki. Sehingga dapat membentuk jejaring pertemanan berdasarkan kesamaan publikasi tersebut. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan sebuah sistem bibliografi digital berbasis social cataloging yang khusus mengelola publikasi di dunia akademik. Kontribusi utama dari penelitian ini adalah keberhasilannya mengembangkan aplikasi yang memungkinkan melakukan Write Once Tag Forever. Artinya, untuk satu publikasi cukup dientri sekali, dan member yang lain cukup melakukan tagging sebagai tanda bahwa member tersebut memiliki publikasi yang sama. Dengan sistem ini pengumpulan koleksi publikasi dapat berlangsung sangat cepat dan tersebar (distributed). Hal ini dimungkinkan karena kontribusi aktif dari para member di dalam sistem. Terbentuknya susunan bibliografi yang otomatis ditampilkan berdasarkan format dan ketentuan yang berlaku. Memudahkan para penulis untuk mengetahui jumlah sitasi yang diterima oleh publikasi tulisannya. Memfasilitasi partisipasi member dalam aplikasi ini seperti memberi komentar, memberi status ownership, reading, dan like/dislike terhadap suatu publikasi. Kemudian dapat melakukan sitasi dan memberikan saran (suggestion) publikasi kepada sesama anggota di dalam jejaring pertemanannya. Kata kunci: publikasi, social networking, social cataloging, bibliografi, sitas

    High Performance Computing on Cluster and Multicore Architecture

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    High Performance Computing have several issues on architecture, resources, computational model and data. The challenge is establishing the mature architecture with scalable resources. The cluster architecture and multicore architecture implement to produce high performance on computation and process. This research works on architecture development and performance analysis. The cluster architecture build on Raspberry Pi, a single board computer, implement MPICH2. Raspberry Pi cluster build on Raspbian Wheezy operating system and test by metrics computation applications. The multicore architecture build on single computer with Core i5 and Core i7 architecture. The research use himeno98 and himeno16Large tools to analysis the processor and memory allocation. The test run on 1000x1000 matrices and benchmarked with OpenMP. The analysis focuses on CPU Time, FLOPS, and score. The result show on cluster architecture have 2576,07 sec in CPU Time, 86,96 MLPOS, and 2,69 score. The result on Core i5 architecture have 55,57 sec in CPU time, 76,30 MLOPS, and 0,92 score. The result in Core i7 architecture have 59,56 sec CPU Time, 1427,61 MLOPS, and 17,23 score. The cluster and multicore architecture results show that computing process are effected by architecture models. High performance computing architecture that has been built on this result can give learn on the development of HPC architecture models, and baseline performance. In the future it will use for determine the delivery architecture model on HPC and can be test by more variation of load

    A Proposed Framework of Knowledge Management for COVID-19 Mitigation based on Big Data Analytic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of effective knowledge management in mitigating the impact of public health crises. Big data analytics can play a critical role in providing insights and informing decision-making during a pandemic. However, the challenges associated with collecting, analyzing, and managing the data, especially with privacy and security concerns, make it a complex task. This paper proposes a knowledge management framework for COVID-19 mitigation using a big data analytics approach. The framework includes a systematic process for data collection, analysis, and dissemination, as well as a set of best practices for knowledge management. Additionally, the framework complies with data protection and privacy regulations. The proposed framework aims to support public health officials and other stakeholders in effectively managing the COVID-19 pandemic by providing timely and accurate information. It can also be adapted and applied to other public health crises and be a useful tool for addressing the challenges associated with big data analytics in the context of public health. The paper presents the proposed framework in detail and provides components of how the framework can be applied to COVID-19 in Indonesia. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-SPER-015 Full Text: PD


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    Today Web technology allow web visitor to interact fully to web basedsystem. The interaction accessibility development aims to make it moreattractive and make visitor easier in system usage. One of advantages of webbased application is easiness in accessing data that not limited to place andtime, while its disadvantage is waiting time for processing user request, somore time process in web application called then required waiting time ismore. It is different from desktop based application that require applicationinstallation in computer used to access data, however, it has advantage inexecution process of real-time instruction, without requiring data accesswaiting time to server. This research has succeeded in applying RIAtechnology to build web with instruction response capability same as desktopapplication in case study of cellular phone reservation. Built system includedcatalog presentation, filterization, comparation, shopping basket andreservation process. Built application consisted of some layers including dataalter as reservation system data storage, presentation later to present productand control layer to manage instruction response.Ă‚


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    DCOM, CORBA, dan Java RMI adalah middleware yang memungkinkan komputasi jarak jauh atau komputasi tersebar. Meskipun telah terdapat konsep layanan web dan implementasi yang diterapkan dalam berbagai kasus saat ini, ketiga middleware di atas masih sering digunakan untuk lingkungan yang application-specific, yang membutuhkan performa lebih baik. Paper ini diharapkan akan memberikan gambaran mengenai DCOM, CORBA, dan Java RMI dari konsep hingga perbedaan yang paling mendasar terkait teknik pemrograman. DCOM, CORBA, and Java RMI are middleware that enable remote computing (distributed computing). Although we have Web Service concept and implementation that applied in many cases right now, all three still often used for applications-specific nature, which need the better performance. This paper is intended to give an overview of DCOM, CORBA, and Java RMI, from concept to most fundamental differences related to programming techniques

    Pemanfaatan memori untuk file cache

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    ABSTRAK Telah diteliti penggunaan memori untuk file cache. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan unjuk kerja jaringan komputer lokal, juga untuk memanfaatkan bagian memori extended yang masih belum banyak termanfaatkan dalam suatu komputer IBM PC AT 286. Jaringan komputer yang dipakai\u27 menggunakan sistem Novell-Netware, sedang fasilitas untuk komunikasinya menggunakan protokol IPX (Internetwork Packet eXchange). Dan basil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa waktu akses berkas di file cache dari ukuran 10 kbyte sampai 80 kbyte lebih kecil dan 0,0549 detik. Sedang waktu akses berkas di jaringan lokal yang digunakan 0,10989 detik untuk ukuran berkas 10 sampai 20 kbyte dan 0,164835 detik untuk ukuran berkas 30 sampai 80 kbyte. Kata-kata kunci: Jaringan, Protokol IPX, Memori, File Cache

    Analysis of Video CODEC Performance Using Different Softphone Applications

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    In a video call there are several components, such as IP phone or softphone, CODEC, and server. Selection of softphone and CODEC is a consideration in building a video communication network because it will affect the quality of video call. This research compare the quality of video calls based on softphone application and CODEC combination. The quality measured by QoS, PSNR, and MOS parameters.Softphone applications examined in this research are Blink, Zoiper, MicroSIP, PortGo, Linphone, and X-Lite. CODEC examined in this research are H.264, VP8, H.263+, and H.263. Each softphone application will be combined with a CODEC that is native to the softphone. There are nine combinations of softphone application and CODEC.Based on the research results, CODEC H.264 has the best performance when paired with the Blink softphone application. CODEC VP8 has the best performance when paired with the Zoiper softphone application. The H.263+ CODEC has the best performance when paired with the PortGo softphone application. The H.263 CODEC and X-Lite softphone applications have the worst test results but still get “good” grades when tested using QoS, PSNR, and MOS parameters
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